Friday, June 27, 2008

Chpater 10 - Equity

Chapter 10 discusses ways to maintain a relationship. One important topic in maintaining a relationship is equity. Equity is the principle of fairness between two people. In any kind of relationship, we need to have a 50/50 relationship in the giving and taking. Can't always have one person doing the traveling to hang out with you, can't always be paying for someone else to do something, etc. After awhile the other person will begin to feel used and violated which would break down the relationship.


Sarina said...

Equality is what I strongly believe has keep my relationship strong for these past 3 years. There is not one person in the relationship that pays for more then the other. We always take turns paying for stuff especially being in college and we don't have a lot of money. I feel the relationships that are not equal are the ones that end up having problems in the long run because they start to deal with power issues and who has more power then the other. I always say trust is the basis of a relationship, but I now think that I am going to add equality with that as well!

boyd013 said...

I have seen and been a part of many relationships that have failed because the relationship was not 50/50. I would sometimes being the one that is always giving and giving while the girl just took and never worked to make me happy it was more about her and how she felt. Things need to be about even for anything to work or for the relationship to be happy as a whole. Being able to trust the other person one thing that can make or break any connection whether it be friends, partners, parents, or co-workers a person must keep their word and loyalty.