Friday, June 20, 2008

Chapter 8 - Embarassing

In chapter is there is discussion about how to cope with embarrassment. We all experience embarrassment in our life. Generally the question is how do we handle the moments of embarrassment? Do we get embarrassed by an action that is seen by self for fear of knowing someone else may have seen? Unfortunately, society standards are high and we feel pressured to behave, think and feel a certain way. Thus we are essentially to be perfect, not human. Humans do things that embarrass themself.
I believe the best way to get over embarrassment is to make light of the situation and laugh it off. I remember once slidding on a wet sidewalk wearing sandals and going into a mall. Suddenly I slipped and was right next to this incredibly hot guy. I felt like such a fool and my younger sister was present, so I looked like a bigger fool. I had to have been so red in humiliation, but I laughed it off like it was nothing. Now its just a funny what the heck was i thinking moment. We all need to have a similiar mentality of embarassment and quite fretting over what other people may think or feel.

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